We bring you ad revenue overnight. Literally.

Activate us as a bidder. It’s that easy.

  • 300%+
    Growth in Channel revenue in the last quarter, and growing.
  • 6,500+
    Brands featured in ads per month, and growing.
  • $0.00
    In fees to Channels, period.

Orka Ads is a quality marketplace for both Channels and Advertisers.

It’s built to funnel advertiser dollars directly to your content. Automatically filtered to to meet your goals and brand.

Plus, everyone in our marketplace has to meet or exceed our standards, so you can depend on quality advertising.

  • 28 BIL+
    Ad requests per month, and growing.
  • 2,300+
    Channels, and growing.
  • 600%+
    Growth in bids in the last quarter, and growing.

Our features are tailored to monetize content.

  • 1 Demand
    We have direct relationships with advertisers and agencies, bringing you the benefit of fewer layers in the ad stack.
  • 2 Brand Safety
    Our channel and ad marketplace is based on existing broadcast standards for content for both supply and demand.
  • 3 Reporting
    We report daily via our Client Portal, allowing you fine-tune your ad requests.
  • 4 Clean Data
    Our AdOps team handles configuration complexity with our Advertisers so you maximize your fill rate.

Multiply your reach and revenue.

For Channel and Content Owners, we function like a DSP, where we bring you demand. Since we’re direct, we’re also able to provide pricing efficiencies, scalability, and transparency.

We make it easy to tap that market.

We have a streamlined onboarding process, so you can be up and running quickly. Plus, we like to work directly with you to ensure your goals are met.

Let’s be direct.

The best way to see how we can help is to meet.